“You” a young Naval Seaman, Karl (Noah Grant) loses control of his life after getting his girlfriend pregnant. Directed by Adrianna Carrasco
“Whitney Project” we follow the life of Erik Prince (Noah Grant) is trying to escape his tumultuous life while on his 1,000 Acre ranch after the mysterious death of his wife. Directed by Buck Elison.
“Plug” a young drug dealer named Mike (Noah Grant) pressed to make rent loses all of his money after being robbed by a malicious customer. Directed by Noah Grant.
“Extra Texture” a mockumentary that follows the short rise of fame of a low potential garage band. The bandmates Rev, Ben, Travis, and Eugene (Noah Grant) all see band going in different directions after gaining 500 views on youtube. Directed by Noah Grant.
“The Good Guys” after Noah (Noah Grant) finds his longtime girlfriend cheating on him with a woman during his planned proposal, his roommates are left to pick up the pieces of a heart broken man. Directed by Trevor Breithaupt.
“Supreme Justice" Chris (Noah Grant) represents himself in court after his car was smashed by the careless Plaintiff. Directed by X. Dean Lim.
Two Year Meisner Technique Program at the Baron Brown Studio in Santa Monica, taught by Lisa Milillo.
On Camera Masterclass at the Baron Brown Studio, taught by lead instructor Joanne Baron.
One Year Meisner Program at the Elizabeth Mestnik Acting Studio, in Studio City, taught by Elizabeth Mestnik.
Bachelors of Marketing, Kansas State University.